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Inner Serenity  Amethyst inspires a peaceful state of being. Enhancing meditation, its soothing energy relaxes the body and calms an overactive mind. Increasing focus, it balances intuition with logic to support the decision making process. Having Amethyst near your bed or under your pillow improves the quality of your sleep and stimulates dream recall.
Activating the third eye and crown chakras, Amethyst elevates consciousness and connects you to your deepest inner wisdom. It develops trust in your psychic abilities and uncovers the underlying meaning to different life experiences. Raising awareness, Amethyst heightens ones connection to the Divine and facilitates angelic communication.
A stone of positive transformation, Amethyst helps to overcome harmful behaviours by addressing negative emotional patterns and releasing damaging beliefs and attachments. Keeping the body in balance, Amethyst clears the aura and creates a protective shield to guard against psychic attacks and geopathic stress. Its violet ray maintains a sense of well-being by transmuting negative energy from the environment. It requires frequent cleansing and should not be kept in direct sunlight, or it will fade.


Honour Your Truth Amazonite reconnects you to the core of your being to develop a deeper understanding of your true self. Opening the heart chakra to love and compassion, it encourages self-acceptance and trusting your intuition. Aligning your values to your actions, it inspires you to live with integrity and transform your intentions into reality.
Highly protective against EMF emissions, Amazonite blocks and disperses these harmful frequencies from the body. Harmonizing masculine & feminine energies, it nurtures healthy boundaries to establish personal space and balance.
Activating the throat chakra, Amazonite empowers authentic self-expression. It brings clarity to your ideas, beliefs and emotions so that you can communicate your personal truth to the world. Speaking from a place of kindness and grace, it releases the fears of judgement, ridicule and confrontation. Its soothing vibration calms nerves and eases frustration. Overcoming conflict, it encourages you to listen as others speak their truth to better understand their point of view.


Voice of an Angel Angelite inspires you to consciously seek and speak your truth. Balancing the throat chakra, its heavenly blue ray brings you into harmony with others by facilitating compassionate communication. Releasing feelings of anger and blame, it encourages you to voice your emotions in difficult situations. Words are composed by the frequency of your breath and when the truth is spoken, tension is net free.
Also known as ‘Blue Anhydrite,’ its structure has alikeness to the wings of an angel. Infusing peace and tranquility into the body, Angelites soothing vibration raises awareness and transcends consciousness into the celestial realm. Offering loving guidance, it heightens your perception to the many forms of angelic messages. Activating the crown and third eye chakras, Angelite enhances intuition and receptivity to psychic channeling. Placed under your pillow, it improves dream recall and assists in the understanding of a meaningful interpretation. A beneficial tool to experienced mediums, Angelite’s Divine connection may be used to establish contact with those who have crossed over.  

Black Tourmaline

Energy Purifier Black Tourmaline is a highly protective stone. It forms a shield around the body to deflect electromagnetic frequencies emitted from cell phones, computers and other radiative devices. Extremely beneficial for empaths, it promotes healthy boundaries and guards against psychic attacks.
Activating the root chakra, Black Tourmaline brings the body’s energy into balance. Grounding to the Earth, it deepens a connection to the psychical world. It is recommended to use during spiritual practices & ritual work for protection against negative entities.
Black Tourmaline cleanses the aura by removing blockages and transforming negative energy into positive, usable energy. Its harmonizing vibration releases stress, worry and suppresses obsessive tendencies. Promoting detoxification, it eliminates harmful heavy metals and environmental pollutants from the body.Also known as ‘Schorl: Black Tourmaline can generate an electric charge in response to pressure. Disrupting the crystals’ atomic structure upsets the polarity and produces a voltage at opposite ends. This is known as the ‘piezoelectric effect.’ 

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Angel Aura Quartz

Over the Rainbow Angel Aura Quartz resonates with the power of Divine love. Its pearly iridescence reflects the ethereal beauty of angel wings, emanating a high vibration which uplifts the spirit and instills a deep sense of peace. Bridging the realms between Heaven and Earth, it opens a channel for receiving angelic messages and guidance towards one’s spiritual purpose.
Enhancing a deeper state of meditation, this brilliant crystal awakens the higher self and brings you into alignment with the abundance of the Universe. Cleansing the aura and chakras with its prismatic light, Angel Aura Quartz revitalizes the body to its natural state of joy. Its heavenly ray amplifies the beauty within and encourages you to let your love shine in all that you do.

Blue Kyanite

Awaken Your Truth Blue Kyanite encourages you to find your voice and speak your truth. Looking within to discover your unique skills and interests, it empowers you to create your own path in life. Shifting the energy of old repetitive patterns, it cuts the emotional ties from the past to allow for growth and understanding. Its calming energy helps to restore peace to a damaged relationship by facilitating clear and compassionate communication with others.
Blue Kyanite’s soothing blue ray promotes serenity and a calm state of mind. Enhancing meditation, it brings stillness and relaxation to the body. Dissolving intrusive thoughts, it releases the fears and anxieties caused by uncertainty.

Clear Quartz

Visionary Light Clear Quartz is a prismatic crystal that encompasses the full colour spectrum of light. As one of the most abundant stones in the world, it nurtures your overall well-being by accommodating to the specific needs of the beholder. Its energy aligns with any frequency to support healing and balance. Enhancing meditation, it brings clarity to the mind by filtering out distractions and increasing concentration.
The power of manifestation is magnified by programming this crystal with a focused intention. With the stone in hand, visualize your aspirations with heartfelt gratitude. Its clear vibration will amplify your intention out eta the Universe and strengthen the will to succeed in all endeavors
Expanding consciousness, Clear Qua. provides understanding to life’s bigger picture. Heightening awareness, it facilitates conation with the Divine to inspire the path of growth. With the ability to magnify the energies of other stones, it makes lit an ideal crystal for grids. Because it is constantly conducting energy, it requires frequent cleansing.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine attracts abundance into your life by opening your heart to greater potential and infinite possibilities. Strengthening your connection to the Earth, its glistening green ray enhances a profound appreciation for Mother Nature’s bountiful gifts. Releasing the fear of lack and limitation, Aventurine enforces the belief that there is plenty to go around.
Bringing awareness to the highs and lows of fife, Green Aventurine invites you to see the opportunity in every obstacle. Emphasizing the impermanence of negative events, it inspires you to embrace change by confidently persevering any challenge life throws at you An optimistic mindset is a choice and if you reframe your thinking to focus on the positives. brighter opportunities will appear on the horizon.
Its gentle vibration nurtures emotional balance and revitalizes the body to its natural state of joy. Letting go of past attachments, Green Aventurine teaches you that every experience is a lesson to further your personal growth.

Lapis Lazuli

Visionary Truth Lapis Lazuli encompasses the truths of the cosmos. Its deep blue hues reflect the depths of the night sky with white calcite clouds and shimmering pyrite stars. This blend of crystal energy embraces the notion that we are all interconnected and unified under a universal consciousness.
Activating the third eye chakra, Lapis Lazuli raises self-awareness and facilitates an inward journey to uncover your authentic self. It develops your intuition as a guiding force to navigate the path in fulfilling your life’s purpose. It stimulates psychic abilities by recalling images from past lives and drea states to offer a new perspective for achieving self-understanding.
Boosting mental Intellect, Lapis Lazuli provides clarity by enhancing logical thought and objective problem solving. Bringing your vision into form, it strengthens the throat chakra to inspire truthful self-expression. Through the power of speech, Lapis Lazuli increases confidence to communicate your honest opinion and true feelings with others.


The Power of Now Lepidolite strengthens your emotional center by raising self-awareness to become more purposeful and deliberate in your intentions and actions. Restoring balance to your life, it focuses your energy towards living in the present moment and achieving your goals. Nurturing a state of mindfulness, it reduces feelings of anxiety and depression by letting go of past regrets and dissipating your worries for the future.
When life gets overwhelming, Lepidolite halls patience and a sense of calm so you are able to assess things more clearly By taking accountability of your behavior, it empowers self-control to respond to distressing circumstances with rational thought and loving action.
Enhancing a restful sleep, Lepidolite’s soothing vibration induces relaxation to the body and tranquility to the mind. Clearing energetic blocks, its gentle violet ray helps to release conditioned behavioral patterns. By making a conscious effort to change your old habits, it promotes a positive mindset that expands the gratitude in your heart for all of the good in your life.

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Wholehearted Abundance Emerald is a gentle stone that promotes love, patience and honesty. It inspires a self-loving journey that begins from within to establish a true appreciation and acceptance Of oneself. Embracing unity and cooperation, Emerald nurtures a happy family life, loyal partnerships and lasting friendships. It encourages you to look at others through a lens of compassion and understanding rather than
judgement and jealousy. Balancing the heart chakra, Emerald opens the emotional body to receive, experience and express unconditional love. Enhancing a sense of well-being, it facilitates the healing Of emotional distress by releasing self-depreciating thoughts and the fear Of not being enough. Everyone has the potential to prosper and Emerald attracts the opportunities needed to manifest wealth in your life. Stimulating your inner wisdom, it focuses your intention towards positive action. Known as a symbol Of growth and fertility to the ancient Romans and Egyptians, Emerald brings good fortune when pursuing new endeavors.


Hematite Grounding the Stars Hematite serves as an armour to your mind, body and spirit When used in the practice of astral travel, it protects the aura from harm and secures the soul in the physical world. Grounding the high frequency energy of the etheric realms, it nourishes the body with cosmic light and brings awareness to the areas of your life that require love and attention. Restoring balance to your energetic systems,
Hematite enhances your overall well-being by releasing emotions that are weighing you down. Bringing all of the chakras into alignment, this stable stone eases mental stress by connecting you to a quiet center of calm. Deflecting scattered thoughts, it expands the ability Of innovative thinking and intuitive problem solving. Reinforcing the inner strength to overcome all limitations, it focuses your energy in solidifying your dreams and manifesting them into reality.

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Stay in Your Magic Labradorite inspires a journey Of self-discovery to uncover the essence Of who you truly are. Encompassing the unlimited potential of the cosmos, it strengthens your bond and trust in the abundant Universe. Increaslng awareness Of synchronicity as the working magic of co-creation, it encourages taking aligned action from a place of inner guidance. Reflecting the astonishing spectrum of the Aurora Borealis, its luminous energy unites the chakras to allow for personal transformation. Overcoming insecurities and illusory beliefs, its brilliance embraces the darker aspects of yourself and brings to light the beauty and power within. Building
resilience, Labradorite increases the confidence and courage to stand up to those who try to dim your
light, Opening the inner eye, Labradorite enhances psychic vision by elevating the mind to a higher state Of consciousness. Protecting the aura Of negative energies, it facilitates shamanic journeys to other worlds and past lives to enhance spiritual healing.


Spiritual Warrior Bloodstone offers the courage to overcome life’s challenges. It heightens your intuition and inspires the inner strength to take the right course Of action when following your own path. Its nurturing energy is a reminder of the ever-growing and ever-changing cycle Of life. Supporting in the healing Of emotional wounds, it teaches you to embrace every struggle as a lesson that will only make you stronger
Strengthening the root chakra, Bloodstone grounds you in the present moment. Revitalizing the mind, it
restores your energy levels by purifying the aura and clearing emotional blockages. Wearing it protects
you from negative energies by creating a defensive shield and deflecting undesirable influences.
Legend has it, Bloodstone was created at the crucifixion of Christ, when the blood from His wounds seeped into the earth and turned to stone.  Encouraging spiritual growth, its sacred power guides your consciousness and deepens your connection to the Divine.

Tiger Eye

GO Forth and Be Fierce Tiger Eye inspires you to be fearless in the pursuit of whatever sets your soul on fire, Bringing to light your unique talents and abilities, it unleashes a creative ambition to set out and Start living your dream Taking criticism as a loving lesson and dissolving feelings of shame and disappointment, Tiger Eye
harnesses the courage to act now Transforming fear into strength, it empowers you to stand your ground When the going gets toughl Developing a strong will to power through life’s challenges. Tiger Eye provides wisdom and insight to take effective action, Uniting the body and mind, it enhances the ability of practical reasoning to make confident decisions under good judgement. Tiger Eye stabilizes your emotional state by
harmonizing the center of life force in the body Teaching self control, it brings awareness to your needs versus your wants and redirects your energy to accomplishing your Facilitating peaceful cooperation, Tiger Eye withholds your pride and the need to have power over other Resolving differences by accepting other people’s point of View, it restores balance for the common good.


Stay Gold Pyrite’s glistening facets encourage the reflection of your self-worth and potential. Releasing thoughts of inadequacy and scarcity, it increases the confidence to Step into your brilliance and share your gifts with the world. Its golden ray inspires creative ideas for generating abundance By giving yourself the
permission to prosper, you unleash the power to manifest a life of greatness Also known as ‘Fool’s Gold,’ Pyrite attracts luck and money However, don’t be fooled by only seeking material wealth, for true prosperity lies in the abundance Of Wisdom, memories, love and relationships achieved over a lifetime Its high vibration activates the solar plexus chakra, strengthening the will and directing energy into action Igniting the Divine masculine energy within. it increases your drive to face difficult challenges and see things through to completion.


Light from the Heavens  As the story goes, Selenite is a piece of heaven gifted by Selene, the Greek Goddess of the Moon, Its pure ethereal light embraces the body, raising your vibration and activating the crown chakras Expanding awareness to the higher planes of consciousness, Selenite attunes to receiving messages from your guardian angels and spirit guides Its naturally forming wands are used by healers to cleanse the aura and remove negative entity Dissolving blockages, Selenite directs the flow Of energy throughout the body, bringing your emotions back into balance Aligning With the intention Of serving the highest good. Selenite invites an enlightened transformation. Its shimmering luster is a reminder that sometimes a new perspective is all that is needed to see the light.

Smoky Quartz

Grounding Energy Deeply connected to the Earth, Smoky Quartz assists in establishing a solid foundation for
creating a life of prosperity and abundance. Raising your vibration, it opens receptivity to the frequencies
and information Of the higher realms Enhancing clear insight, Smoky Quartz empowers you to manifest your dreams and ideas into physical form. Highly protective from geopathic stress, Smoky Quartz cleanses the environment through absorbing and transmuting harmful EMF pollution. Grounding to the Earths circuit, it filters the negative energy into a usable frequency. Smoky Quartz helps to process painful memories and past traumas by releasing suppressed emotions that are inhibit your growth. Ridding the mind of stress and anxiety, it brings awareness to your physical body and rests your focus on the present moment


Create Your Fate Malachite empowers you to take action and live your life to the fullest. By reclaiming your personal power and taking responsibility of your thoughts, feelings and actions, you hold the potential to create your own destiny Harmonizing all of the chakras, Malachite restores the flow of energy and balance to the body. Activating the heart chakra, it breaks down emotional blocks, releasing inhibitions and self-
limiting beliefs. Opening your heart to love, it inspires you to acknowledge the lesson of every life
experience. Encouraging positive transformation, it harnesses the inner strength to support the emotional healing of past trauma. One of the most powerful stones for protection, Malachite strengthens the aura to guard against electromagnetic pollutants and other negative influences.


Embrace Each Phase Moonstone’s mystical properties are deeply connected and guided by the light Of the Moon. Each lunar cycle offers a new opportunity for growth and Moonstone’s luminous glow teaches you to
embrace the process through every phase of life. Inspiring an inward journey to explore your hidden
truths and vulnerabilities, it releases emotional blockages to develop a deeper understanding Of who you are. Its pure light ray cleanses the chakras and stabilizes the emotional body. Activating the higher chakras, Moonstone stimulates psychic abilities and facilitates lucid dreaming. Acknowledging your inner wisdom, it encourages you to trust your instincts and surrender to the universe. Moonstone channels the Divine feminine energy within that manifests dreams into existence. This empowers women to honour their inner goddess and it reconnects men to their intuitive and emotional side.

Red Jasper

Vitality Booster Channeling the loving energies Of Mother Earth, Red Jasper emphasizes the ‘importance of nurturing yourself to achieve balance, good health and well- being. It supports the healing from a traumatic experience by providing insight to your inner demons and releasing feelings of shame and guilt. Supporting your inner self,  Red Jasper gathers the courage to face dreaded obstacles and intimidating situations that are standing in the way of your growth . Stimulating the root chakra, Red Jasper awakens Kundalini energy to rise and infuses the body with a spirited life force. This surge Of vitality cleanses the aura and revives the inner drive for pursuing any goal. Energizing the sacral chakra, it opens a flow of creative ideas and inspiration for bringing your dreams into reality. Increasing strength and endurance, it empowers your focus and determination to see things through to completion

Rose Quartz

Pure Love Rose Quartz embodies the essence of unconditional love. It inspires self-acceptance by recognizing your unique inner beauty and nurtures a genuine appreciation for yourself. Encouraging compassion and understanding, it develops meaningful friendships and strengthens a family bond Its loving vibration attracts new romance and can reignite passion between partners Bringing the heart chakra into balance, Rose Quartz
calms the body into a state of infinite peace. Releasing stress and resentment, it supports emotional healing for overcoming trauma and heart break. Its soothing energy promotes forgiveness as you restore trust in others. By facing the fear Of rejection and acknowledging your insecurities, you become more receptive to true love and happiness.


In Light of Your True Self Apophyllite’s radiant vibration carries the energy of universal wisdom. Opening the crown chakra and expanding consciousness, it establishes a clear connection to the higher realms. Receiving Divine guidance, Apophyllite inspires introspection towards the realization and acceptance of your true self.
Activating the third eye chakra, Apophyllite awakens your inner vision, heightening intuition and channeling psychic abilities. Providing the opportunity for astral travel and past life exploration, it grounds the soul to the physical body for safe return. Its natural pyramid formation makes it a powerful conductor of light energy. Its angelic frequency infuses the aura, clearing the mind and releasing tension from the body. Creating a calm and
comfortable environment, this brilliant crystal cleanses any space with pure white light. A common tool for Reiki healing, Apophyllite enhances a relaxed, meditatlve state and opens receptivity to healing energy.

Black Obsidian

Illuminating the Shadows Black Obsidian brings to light the dark and hidden aspects Of yourself. Raising self-awareness, it teaches you to honor the imperfections Of bang human and to embrace your flaws and weaknesses as opportunities for growth and development. Through honest self-reflection, Black Obsidian
empowers the inner strength to explore the nature Of destructive behavioral patterns. By accepting
these feelings without judgement, it inspires a personal transformation towards your authentic self. Restoring a harmonious balance to the emotional body, nurtures a sense of wholeness and power to take on life’s challenges. Grounding you to the Earth’s center, Black Obsidian’s powerful cleansing ability absorbs harmful energy from the environment and within your auric field, It forms a protective shield to guard against negative
influences and psychic attacks. It is commonly used by shamans as a tool for scrying and receiving messages from the spirit world.


Abundance Of Light Encompassing the power Of the Sun, Citrine’s bright and cheerful energy radiates happiness and amplifies the joy in life. Stimulating the crown chakra, this radiant crystal nurtures creative self- expression by boosting concentration and awakening the imagination. A brilliant conductor of light, Citrine magnifies the power of manifestation and increases motivation for achieving your goals. Its high vibration raises self-confidence and empowers you to overcome your fears by letting go of destructive tendencies and behaviors. Providing clarity to your thoughts and feelings, it revitalizes the mind and encourages you to view life through a lens of love. Citrine is one Of the crystals that never requires cleansing. As a powerful regenerator, it surrounds the body with a golden light to protect the aura and align all Of the chakras. Re-energize any space by placing Citrine in the middle of a room to absorb and dispel stagnant energy.

For attracting financial opportunities, keep Citrine in your purse, wallet or the wealth corner of your home
(the furthest, back left corner from the door). Just avoid placing this crystal in direct sunlight because its colour will fade.


Courageous Catalyst Increasing motivation and driving ambition, Carnelian inspires you to take action! It overcomes procrastination by releasing poor habits and dissolving feelings of uncertainty. Embracing change as a form of positive transformation, it offers courage in times Of new beginnings. Its fiery energy activates the sacral chakra increasing endurance and restoring vitality. Boosting confidence to allow for true self-expression, Carnelian is helpful during interviews and auditions. Its soothing vibration nurtures relationships by restoring trust and overcoming issues related to abuse Carrying an emotional warmth, it can also
rekindle a fizzling romance by deepening intimacy and stimulating sexual desires. Dispersing negative thoughts, Carnelian redirects your energy to focus on what truly matters. Connecting to the root chakra, it grounds you in the present moment to establish a strong foundation for actively pursuing your goals.

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